The Evolution of Leadership: From Gender Roles to Role Models

What got us to this place does not mean it will take us to our desired future!

Let's take a trip down memory lane, where leadership was about as flexible as those corsets everyone seemed to love back in the day.

Do we still love corsets that tights us into a box because we are restricted to following outdated gender rules? 

I think a good chunk of people have had enough of the conversations around women being geniuses and men's useless pieces of crap. We know deep down that's not the truth -- humanity isn't black or white. 

But, let's be honest – there are plenty of lingering sticky gender stereotypes and biases all around us --- yes, it's like that gum you stepped on and can't shake off.

Funny thing about gender roles?  

They're following fashion advice from your great-great-great-grandfather's diary.  

Silly, right?  

We've been shoehorning ourselves into these pre-made moulds that come from... well, a bunch of people who aren't even around to have an opinion anymore!

Giving you the freedom to be yourself!

I've seen first-hand what happens when the world around us gives us space to be more human -- less in a constrained gender box.  

Fatherhood isn't about being the provider; it's about love, connection and care.   

Here in Iceland, fathers strolling with their babies during parental leave are not seen as "babysitting" (eye roll) but embracing a role as deeply nurturing as motherhood. It's not because men in Iceland are different from other men in the world - It tells us your gender role has been and is constantly created for you by your society, family, and background. 

When you take a stand for yourself and do something about it, you are opening up for being able to follow your soul's purpose, passion and mission- And living that kind of life is transformative. I'm telling you, it's like finding the perfectly ripe avocado in the store.

Diving headfirst into the refreshing pool of The New Role of Leadership, we realise something groundbreaking: leadership qualities don't come with gender tags! Empathy isn't "female", and decisiveness isn't "male".  

It's about the content of your character, not the label on your jeans.

When we drop the "shoulds" and embrace the "coulds", there's magic to be had. The 'New Rules of Leadership' are like upgrading from economy to first class. So, why limit ourselves based on old manuals and expired warranties?

Wrap your head around this: we've been taking cues from generations that believed the earth was flat. It's time we trusted our instincts more than dusty old playbooks.  

Leadership is evolving, and so are we.

I say, toss out, or at least question those old scripts, and let's laugh in the face of outdated norms. If your soul's purpose got an email from dead people's peer pressure, it'd be flagged as spam.  

Embrace who you are, quirks and all. After all, we're all in this crazy dance of life together. So why not cha-cha to our own rhythm?

And as for you, yes, YOU reading this, you're more than good enough. You're a rockstar, even if your solo is in the shower - enjoy it!  

Embrace it, own it, and lead like we mean it!

Reykjavík, Iceland, September 28th 2023


Join me in shaping a transformative guide that breaks free from the constraints of gender.   

This summer, I've poured my heart and soul into my upcoming book, 'Beyond Gender: The New Rules of Leadership.'

This isn't just a book; it's a guided holistic journey into a future where we see each other for who we genuinely are, liberated from the shackles of gender assumptions. Much like my previous books, 'Branding Your X-factor' and 'The Story of Boxes,' 'Beyond Gender' seeks to empower individuals by uncovering our unique superpowers and understanding the consequences of separating ourselves from labels and boxes.

To bring this vision to life, I need your support. Your donations will directly contribute to the publishing, marketing, and distribution of 'Beyond Gender.' By donating, you're not just supporting a book; you're supporting a movement to revolutionise leadership and empower individuals to break free from the limitations society imposes.

As a token of our gratitude, donors will receive exclusive benefits, such as early access to the book, signed copies, and other surprises.  

Your support will not only help publish a book; it will help ignite a global conversation and inspire change.

Let's embark on this transformative journey together. Join me in rewriting the rules of leadership.  

Together, we can create a world where authenticity knows no bounds and everyone can lead without constraints. 

Will you be a part of this change?

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