Unboxed: A Week of Winks, Walks, and Wisdom

Wit & Wisdom with Rúna, the journal blog series

Welcome to "Wit & Wisdom with Rúna," my journal-blog series where humour meets profound insight on the rollercoaster ride of life, leadership, and self-discovery.  

In this journal-blog series, my intention is to authentically peel back the layers of my life's crossroads and delve into the quirky realities of self-discovery and leadership.  

Join me as we navigate the complexities of breaking free from societal boxes, embracing our authentic selves, and finding contentment in being in the flow, all while laughing at the absurdity and beauty of it all.  

"Wit & Wisdom with Rúna" is my journal blog; it explores the journey to trust my flow to become better, bolder, and brighter as me.


Unboxed: A Week of Winks, Walks, and Wisdom

Discovering Humor and Insight Beyond the Gender Box and Democracy's Doorstep

Oh, what a week it's been in the world of Rúna – a carousel of projects, ideas, and the odd subconscious nocturnal meeting.  

This week, I noticed that I was solving projects waiting for me, even in my sleep. Imagine if our minds billed us for overtime; I'd be bankrupt by Tuesday —- HA!

Floaded by the incredible wisdom of energy and flow!

But among the chaos, a beacon of structured exploration appeared: the "Confidence, Flow, and Finding You"  journey, facilitated by my wizard of a business partner, Nick Haines. In just one session, we delved into our personal boxes – not cardboard, but the conceptual cages we construct around our identities.  

Nick's approach to gently nudging us out of our metaphorical boxes with his brilliant Conscious Questions was nothing short of sorcery.   

The Future of Democracy!

Amid this whirlwind week, I stood before a sea of curious minds at ‘The Future of Democracy' conference in Reykjavik. My home country, Iceland, where the landscapes are as dramatic as our approach to democracy. A fascinating conference looking at what the world could look like in 2040! Do you realise that is only 16 years from now?

My talk there wasn't about 2040; it was a deep dive into our habits and rituals to box each other and ourselves into boxes; this time, we opened up and explored our gender box, that sneaky little container that tries to define us by outdated norms.  

There I was, once more, standing in front of people from all over the world. Each was snug in its own gender box, and I was armed with nothing but a microphone and a mission to unpack these boxes.  

The air was electric with unspoken questions and a bit of scepticism - after all, challenging deep-seated beliefs is no small feat.

As I spoke, I could see the gears turning in their heads. I've seen this every time we open up a conversation about our boxed-based living.   

It's one thing to acknowledge the existence of these boxes but to actively work on dismantling them. That's where the magic happens.  

Exploring our gender box is fascinating.

This time, I invited them to explore their gender boxes to question the 'whys' and 'hows' and the consequences of expecting one gender to be one thing and another to be another. It was like watching a group of kids discovering that the boogeyman isn't real – the mix of relief and newfound courage was palpable.

It reminded me of the power of collective unboxing, of the strength we find when we challenge the status quo together. It was a celebration of progress, a testament to the potential for change, and a reminder that democracy is an ever-evolving concept, not immune to the boxes we create.

Friday, the golden retriever of weekdays!

But let's talk about Friday. Ah, Friday – the golden retriever of weekdays.

After a week where my projects piled up like a game of Jenga, I took a different route. Opting for rest and rejuvenation over my usual method of powering through, I embarked on my daily 8,000-step pilgrimage in the late afternoon sun. As I strolled, reflecting on moments of resistance and release, I noticed something peculiar. Drivers passing by seemed to be winking at me. Was I suddenly the subject of a city-wide flirtation campaign? Had my walk unwittingly become a parade of winks?

Nope. The sun, in its cheeky end-of-day glory, was blinding them.

And there I was, constructing a narrative where I was the main character in a flirtatious saga when, in reality, it was just Mother Nature reminding me not to take life too seriously. A good laugh at oneself is the best mid-walk entertainment, after all.

Hope on the Horizon: Rethinking Boxes and Reshaping Democracy

So as I continued my Friday reflection, steps counting and sun winking, I couldn't help but feel a surge of hope. If a room full of individuals can start to rethink their gender boxes, what's stopping us from reshaping democracy itself? Our boxes are temporary storage in a world where change is the only constant.

And now, dear reader, as you ponder over this little slice of my week, I invite you to think about your own boxes, especially in the context of democracy. How do they shape your views, your votes, and your voice?

Do join me in exploring the quirky, the profound, and everything in between. Subscribe to 'Wit & Wisdom with Rúna' for more reflections, misadventures, and perhaps a fresh perspective on democracy and beyond. And if you're feeling particularly adventurous, grab a copy of my books. They're like this blog but with more depth and fewer accidental winks.

Here's to understanding that the most significant revelations sometimes come from looking outside our neatly constructed boxes.  

And remember, not all winks are invitations; occasionally, they're just squints in the sunshine! —- still laughing at myself!

Reykjavík, Iceland, February 23rd 2024


Personal branding, leadership and development books by Rúna Magnús


Beyond Gender: The New Rules of Leadership - GRAB COPY HERE!


The Story of Boxes, The Good, The Bad and The Ugly - GRAB YOUR COPY HERE!


Branding Your X-Factor - GRAB YOUR COPY HERE!