Posts in Leadership
Why I Jetted Off to Malta on a Whim - And Why You Should Too!

Ever considered jetting off on a whim? Dive into this exhilarating recount of a spontaneous trip to Malta for a 70th birthday bash, and find out why letting go of excuses can lead to life's most memorable moments. Plus, discover a new way to tackle life's big questions with my ChatGPT Chat Bot, designed to guide you towards a more joyous and adventurous life.

These elements are designed to entice readers by highlighting the transformative experience of spontaneous travel, the personal insights gained, and the unique interactive tool available for further exploration. This approach not only improves search engine visibility but also engages and motivates readers to act.

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Unboxing the True Self: A Journey of Identity and Empowerment

In the fourth week of a transformative journey, we delve into the art of unboxing our true selves, challenging the confines of societal and personal expectations. This blog post explores the essence of identity shifts, the power of self-love and acceptance, and the journey towards becoming our masterpieces amidst a rapidly evolving world.

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Leading with Laughter: The Unconventional Path to Authentic Leadership

In an era where authenticity in leadership is more prized than ever, humour emerges as an unexpected but vital tool for connecting, inspiring, and leading with genuine impact. From the adventurous spirit of Richard Branson to the relatable wisdom of Sheryl Sandberg and the charismatic humour of Barack Obama, this blog post delves into how laughter can reveal the most authentic facets of leadership. Join us in exploring how a little humour can lighten the mood and strengthen the bonds of leadership.

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Unboxed: A Week of Winks, Walks, and Wisdom

In this week's 'Wit & Wisdom with Rúna', I invite you on a whimsical journey through a week that could easily have been scripted for a sitcom, had it not been so deeply entwined with the fabric of societal change and personal growth. Amidst a cascade of projects and the silent wisdom of night-time musings, I embarked on a soulful quest with Nick Haines to dismantle the conceptual boxes that confine us. This adventure led me to the 'Future of Democracy' conference, where I dared to unravel the gender box before an audience as diverse as the landscapes of my Icelandic homeland.

But the real twist came on a Friday, under the mischievous wink of the afternoon sun, reminding me that life, in its essence, is a collection of misunderstood winks and blind spots. As I laughed at my own expense, a profound realization dawned upon me: if we can challenge our personal and societal boxes, what's to stop us from reimagining democracy itself?

Dive into this week's tale of reflection, unboxing, and the occasional squint against the blinding light of assumption. It's a reminder that sometimes, the most significant revelations come from the most unexpected places – like assuming every driver in Reykjavik is part of a flirtatious conspiracy. Join me as we explore the quirky, the profound, and the laughably human, all while stepping outside our neatly constructed boxes.

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Elevated Musings: A Journey of Serendipity at 33,000 Feet

Welcome aboard my latest adventure in the sky – a tale that soars beyond the ordinary. Picture this: me, Rúna, wedged into a seat that's giving me a free chiropractic treatment, while I'm thousands of feet up in the air. My plan? Simple – soak in some wisdom from podcasts, lose myself in music, and let my thoughts wander. But, as it turns out, my tech skills decided to play hide and seek. My music playlist? More like a teaser than a full-blown concert.

Yet, there's a charm in the unexpected. As the plane hummed and fellow passengers drifted off, I found myself in a symphony of my own making, each song a key to a different memory vault – from the heart-wrenching farewell to my beloved dog to the adrenaline rush of commanding the stage.

Then, as we touched down and I reconnected with the world, a text from my son in Seattle lit up my phone. An invite to Billy Joel's concert – my birthday gift! Was this cosmic timing or just a happy accident? Join me as I unravel this high-flying tale of serendipity, music, and the boundless possibilities that await when we let our thoughts take flight.

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Gossiping - The Art of Finger Gymnastics

In the latest instalment of 'Wit & Wisdom with Rúna', we dive into the world's most ancient pastime—gossiping. But this isn't just idle chatter; it's an art form, a veritable 'Finger Gymnastics'. Ever caught yourself itching for the next titillating tale of someone else's misfortunes? Rúna explores the magnetic pull of gossip and the ironic gymnastics our fingers perform while we're at it—one finger pointed outwards, while the rest point right back at us. She'll take you on a humorous yet insightful journey through the smoke and mirrors of our daily discourse, challenging us to ask: when we’re pointing at others, are we trying to distract from the stories written in the lines of our own hands?

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The Irony of Passion and Persistence

Dive into the inaugural entry of "Wit & Wisdom with Rúna," where Rúna Magnus shares her candid reflections on the paradoxical success of her book launch. Discover how embracing just three sales celebrates persistence, self-discovery, and the joy of being content.

Join Rúna as she embarks on a new chapter, filled with laughter and the wisdom of a life unboxed, encouraging us all to flow with the currents of our creation and relish in the quirky journey of life. Subscribe to Rúna's newsletter for more insights on leadership, authenticity, and the power of self-leadership

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What If... I Just Closed the Box on Gender Equality?

As I sit here, my fingers tracing the cover of my latest creation, 'Beyond Gender: The New Rules of Leadership,' a surprising revelation strikes me: it's undeniably my 'boring book.'

But amidst this boredom lies a profound sense of achievement. In these pages lies a year of unfiltered venting, a canvas where I painted my frustrations and insights on gender stereotypes in leadership. This book was my arena, where I challenged the norms and dared to speak my truth.

As I turn each page, I realize I'm not just closing a chapter on gender equality; I'm opening a new door to unexplored territories in leadership and personal growth. So, let's embark on this journey together, away from the echoes of old debates and into a world brimming with fresh perspectives and uncharted possibilities.

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Navigating the AI-Driven Retail Frontier: Mastering the 8F's of Leadership

In the ever-evolving landscape of retail, the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is not just a trend but a revolution reshaping the very fabric of the industry. This transformation calls for a new breed of leadership that navigates the complex interplay between technology and human interaction with finesse and foresight. In our latest blog post, "Navigating the AI-Driven Retail Frontier: Mastering the 8F's of Leadership," we delve into how the 8F's—Fit, Fast, Flexible, Fascinated, Fun & Fearless, Free, Fixated, and Fulfilled—can guide retail leaders in this new era.

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Embracing Growth and Laughter: Navigating 2023 with the No More Boxes Approach

In 2023, we journeyed through challenges and triumphs, learning to break free from the 'Not Good Enough' boxes that limit us. Our path to self-discovery involved embracing self-awareness, crafting a resilient 'Me 2.0', and finding joy in the small acts of self-love. Most importantly, we learned to laugh at ourselves, realizing the absurdity of societal norms. As we bid farewell to 2023, let's carry forward its lessons with humour and sass, stepping confidently into a future without limits. 🌟🥂

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Breaking Stereotypes in Leadership: Embracing AI Across Generations

Demonstrating why we need leaders to lead by the new leadership rules. When a leading U.S. digital marketing CEO shared a surprising hiring tale, a 20-year-old interviewee showed up, energetic but clueless about AI's role in the industry. This contrasted with my own experience as a 62-year-old woman, using AI like GPT to innovate in my field, defying age stereotypes.

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The Paradox of Gender Boxes and Why We're All In The Same Mess

Ah, the Women's Strike in Iceland—where 100,000 of us rallied against sexual violence and the pay gap, only to get tangled in our own webs of 'who belongs where.' Let's call it what it was: a comedy of errors in the theatre of social change. We had CEOs and bishops getting the stink eye, men wondering why they were on the 'Do Not Invite' list, and the issue of sexual violence sliding off stage faster than a slippery penguin on ice. Time to smash these limiting boxes and upgrade to quantum thinking, folks! 🎭 Ready for a new act in the play of life?

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The 3rd Watch: The "Job" No One Interviewed You For, But You Got Hired Anyway!

Are you stuck in the never-ending cycle of the 3rd Watch? This invisible job role—chock-full of domestic tasks and societal expectations—isn't just for women; it has a 'Special Edition' designed for men, too!

Let's discuss the need to hit 'unsubscribe' on these outdated roles and how it's time to redefine your identity. Cheers to letting go of unpaid overtime in the family business!

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Iceland's 2023 Women's Strike: A Retro Replay or Quantum Leap?

iceland's 2023 Women's Strike: A Dance Between Tradition and Evolution

Ah, 1975 – a time of disco beats and trailblazing feats! Remember when 90% of Icelandic women chose to sit out for the day, not just for a breather but to make a roaring statement? Fast forward to 2023, and we're amidst quantum computers, equal parental leaves, and... wait for it... another women's strike. But why, in a nation globally recognized for gender equality, are we seeing a replay of history? Dive into the nuances, humour, and paradoxes of a society leading in gender equality yet seemingly stuck in a loop. Explore the broader question: Is it time to shift our focus from gender boxes to a collective, inclusive movement for all humanity? It's time to ditch the old playlist and groove to a new, inclusive anthem. 🎵🕺💃🇮🇸

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Why "Feminine Leadership" Isn't the Answer

Breaking down the age-old debate between "Masculine" and "Feminine" leadership, this post challenges the notion of boxing leadership traits into gendered stereotypes. True leadership transcends gender boundaries, harnessing the full spectrum of humanity. With insights from the World Economic Forum and an exploration of how society boxes women, the article pushes for an evolved understanding: leading with both heart and mind.

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DEI: A Path to Empowerment or Just Another Box to Tick?

Unpacking the DEI Enigma: When Labels Overshadow Brilliance

Ever been dazzled by the shine of a gift, only to find its content slightly... underwhelming? Delve into the realm of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), and you might catch that vibe.

While DEI's intention is commendable, there's a deeper question to address: Are we genuinely valuing unique strengths, or merely categorising individuals based on societal preconceptions?

As I delve deeper in my upcoming book, "Beyond Gender: The New Rules of Leadership," it becomes evident that to truly empower and include, we must look beyond these categories.

Let's venture together into reshaping DEI, where everyone is celebrated not for the box they're in, but for the essence they bring. After all, shouldn't our souls be free from boxes? Reach out if this stirs a chord within you. Let's co-create a more genuine, inclusive tomorrow.

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Beyond the Impossible: Shaping a Gender-Unbiased World

Picture a world where leaders break free from the confines of gender stereotypes, where authenticity and emotional intelligence reign supreme. It's a world where we embrace each other's unique strengths, fostering a workplace where individuals thrive. In our latest blog post, we explore the transformative vision of leadership beyond gender, challenging the status quo and reimagining a future where leaders empower individuals to reach their full potential. Join us on this inspiring journey towards a more inclusive and authentic world of leadership.

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