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Ep#137| Who would you be if you could re-create yourself every day?

A follow-up from my last episode (#136 Jumping Out-Of-Your-Box to Brand Yourself) branding yourself is a lifelong journey.

Being in touch with who you are, what you stand for and how you want to serve is a lifelong journey.

Think about this:
Who would you be if you’ve had the courage to stand out from the crowd, be more of who you are in the core, and less of who you think you are supposed to be?

The difference between knowing something in your head - or being in the human space, the space that belongs to your heart.

It’s so often a completely different thing - at least I’ve been noticing that in my own life.

I look at myself as a creative being.

When I’m in my very best element and flow, I’m in a space of creation, tranquility and endless joy.

Being in that space is just such a bliss for me.

This is where I can serve as the highest version of myself.
This is the space where I’m in my element.
This is the space where I see I’m giving people joy, freedom and insights into who they could become when they let go of their own box.

However, I’ve recently realised that I’m actually holding back much more than I thought (my head) I was doing - and ouch… that hurt.

Summer 2020 - Time and space to reflect

This summer has been a great adventure for me, as I’ve been getting out of my boxes, rolling around Iceland with my two middle-aged girlfriends on electric scooters and bikes and then hiking in the pure wilderness of Iceland.

These trips have given me such a unique opportunity to explore to a much deeper level.

I’ve been asking myself two deep questions;

1) What is preventing me from letting go of all the ‘should’s and ‘have to do’s?

2) Who am I when I completely surrender?

In this special solo episode, I’m sharing with you my personal thoughts around the fear of letting go, leaving a box that’s not serving you.

I would love to hear from you, if and how this resonates with you and your journey in life.

Please feel free to comment below, or send me a private message via our contact form.


Ready to go deeper?
Get a real kick-in-the-b… coaching on the subject, check out my 5-Day Out-Of-The-Box Challenge - The Brand Called You -

I’ve got one coming up soon!

Sharing with you one of our video’s from our trip Rolling Around Iceland this summer.
This one is our version of the song JA-JA-DING-DONG in the Netflix Eurovision Movie with Will Ferrell and Rachel McAdams

Can you see and feel what I mean by being in your flow?

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Who would you be, if you could re-create yourself every day? Rúna Magnus

Some great takeaways:

  • You are so much more

  • Be the highest version of yourself

  • Step outside your box and be free

  • Allow yourself to dream


Become the brand that stands out with confidence and clarity



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