Unboxing the True Self: A Journey of Identity and Empowerment

Wit & Wisdom with Rúna, the journal blog series

Welcome to "Wit & Wisdom with Rúna," my journal-blog series where humour meets profound insight on the rollercoaster ride of life, leadership, and self-discovery.  

In this journal-blog series, my intention is to authentically peel back the layers of my life's crossroads and delve into the quirky realities of self-discovery and leadership.  

Join me as we navigate the complexities of breaking free from societal boxes, embracing our authentic selves, and finding contentment in being in the flow, all while laughing at the absurdity and beauty of it all.  

"Wit & Wisdom with Rúna" is my journal blog; it explores the journey to trust my flow to become better, bolder, and brighter as me.


Unboxing the True Self: A Journey of Identity and Empowerment

Navigating the Shift from Confinement to the Canvas of Your Masterpiece

I'm halfway through the thrilling adventure of Nick Hains's "Confidence, Flow, and Finding You" quest in its fourth week. Here, we don't just change; we evolve. We're on a hero's journey to unearth our hidden powers, the kind that turns ordinary folks into legends of their own story. This journey is less about metamorphosis and more about recognizing the powers we've always had but often overlooked—powers strong enough to leave comic book heroes in awe.

Changing my identity.

The chapter I'm writing in my saga is titled 'Self-Love and Acceptance.' It's been a narrative I've held back from as if it were a delectable dessert behind a glass case—so alluring yet seemingly out of reach. But always, always, right in front of our tits!

As I embrace my annual mantra, "Feeling Content—staying aware in my flow," I find that this is not just a box to step into but a realm to claim. It's about moving with intention and purpose, with the earnest, awkward elegance of a ballet dancer donned in boxing gloves.

Sure, it's a bit unorthodox, perhaps a tad ungainly, but it's me—genuinely me—ready to embrace the superpowers that come with self-acceptance and love.

People worldwide are SEARCHING FOR WAYS TO HELP WITH THEIR personal identity shifts.

The theme of identity shifts followed me beyond Nick's enlightening workshop in a twist that even the universe found amusing.

I was invited to speak at a prestigious spring conference in my home country, Iceland, at the end of April. There, I'll explore the concept of the societal and personal 'boxes' we find ourselves in, emphasising the crucial need for identity shifts in a world where technology, like AI, is rapidly evolving.

After all, if robots are learning creative skills, it's high time we understand how to redefine and embrace our true selves. Don’t you agree?

Divorced women searching for identity shifts!

The journey didn't stop there; I was also asked to speak to a vibrant community of 27,000 inspiring divorced women. Having navigated the personal upheaval of divorce myself, I understand the challenge of shedding the 'divorcee' label and rediscovering one's identity.

This experience has taught me the importance of emerging from life's challenges with a sense of self that shines brighter than ever before.

Through these interactions, it dawned on me that identity shifts are not just about changing labels; they're about rewriting the instructions on the box.

It's about recognising that the box was just an illusion—like a gourmet chef learning they've been cooking in a child's play kitchen.

Created by DELL*E


So, as we stand at the precipice of change, gazing into the abyss of our cardboard clutter, I invite you to ponder:

  1. Which Box Are You Outgrowing? - Is it the 'Perpetually Busy' box or the 'People Pleaser' parcel? It may be time to unsubscribe.

  2. What's Your Energetic Superpower?  Identify it. Start by getting your personal Vitality Test results—it's free and such a transformational tool based on 3500-year-old Chinese wisdom. Will it help you identify your resilience, creativity, or ability to binge-watch an entire series in one sitting and still feel productive?

  3. What Identity Shift Are You Craving?  It's okay to dream big and small; just stay aware of your thoughts, as they are your boxes. Do you want to go from 'Underestimated' to 'Unstoppable'? From 'Cautious' to 'Conqueror'? The labels are yours to print.

Remember, in the grand theatre of life, the only box that genuinely fits is the one you craft for yourself, decorated with your triumphs, trials, and a sprinkle of glitter. Why not? Glitter makes everything better.

Let's embark on this unboxing journey together, shall we?

Allow yourself to become better, bolder, and brighter in your fields and as the leading lights of your life. After all, who needs a box when you're meant to shine like a disco ball?

Until next time, keep dancing outside those boxes - even if it's just in your living room.

Reykjavík, Iceland, March 16th 2024


Personal branding, leadership and development books by Rúna Magnús


Beyond Gender: The New Rules of Leadership - GRAB COPY HERE!


The Story of Boxes, The Good, The Bad and The Ugly - GRAB YOUR COPY HERE!


Branding Your X-Factor - GRAB YOUR COPY HERE!