Iceland's 2023 Women's Strike: A Retro Replay or Quantum Leap?

Unpacking the humour and paradox of repeated history in the world's leading country for gender equality.

Do you remember 1975? It was the year of flared jeans and disco music, and on the 24th of October that same year, 90% of Icelandic women decided to play hooky for a day! 

That, my dear readers, was not just a day off but a statement that boomed across the globe. The streets of Reykjavik were pulsing with energy and excitement. I was there amidst that vibrant sea of women, feeling the collective heartbeat of our nation. 

The energy was unforgettable. Such joy, unity and celebration. 

The message in 1975 was crystal clear: Icelandic women were not just good for one thing, making skyr or knitting lopapeysa, but they were crucial cogs in the economic machinery. These Icelandic women proved, not just to the Icelandic nation, that their contribution was just as valuable as their male counterparts; they also proved this statement to the world. 

Since 1975, women in Iceland have repeated this day, marching the streets six times. 

Now, flash forward to 2023. We're in an era of smartphones, quantum computers, parental leaves for both parents, educated women and men and...hang on a minute... another women's strike? What is the purpose of this strike?  

As Einstein once quipped, "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."   

Let's ponder for a moment. Are we doing our best to make the most significant impact, or is this becoming a habit, a tradition expecting different results?  

Why, in the land of glaciers and geysers, ranked numero uno for gender equality by the World Economic Forum for 14 consecutive years, are women once more gearing up for a strike redux?

The Mission for 2023 strike.
The purpose of this strike in 2023, according to the organisers, is to demand that gender-based and sexual violence be eradicated and that the jobs of women and non-binaries be valued on their merits.

Fair enough... good cause... right?
But what is the purpose of seeing this topic as something that women and non-binary should stand for?  

Sexual violence isn't a women's issue? It's our society's issue. 

Remember those days when we had two genders? Yeah... like in 1975! 

Let's go back to 1975. Those days, we had two clear teams: A group of people called women and a group of people called men.  

Today, that's not the case. We have a fabulous buffet of identities: women, non-binary, trans-women, men who rock heels better than I do, and more, men who can’t stand seeing and hearing about sexual violence and seeing people not being valued because of their gender, men who deeply care and take a stand for another human being who is being mistreated. 

Yet, the call to strike only caters to women and non-binary folks… really?

Now, I'm no detective, but isn't that a wee bit... exclusive? Why do we keep expecting women (and, in 2023, a call to non-binary) to hold the torch against sexual violence and equal value when it’s an issue that affects humanity, regardless of gender? 

On a more quantum note, and by that, I mean holding multiple thoughts at once, I wonder when our Viking spirits will evolve from boxing people into gender categories to genuinely diving deep into the core issue.  

If we're leading the world in gender equality, shouldn't we be pioneers in fostering unity, too?

Instead of assembling based on gender and non-binary, how about a grand Icelandic gathering? 

A gathering where everyone in Iceland, regardless of gender, can come together, show they care about stopping sexual violence and are open to brainstorming ways to amplify equity in our society.  

Why repeat history...when we can tear down these boxes once and for all?  

In conclusion, while striking might've been the disco of '75, it's 2023! 

Maybe, yes, just maybe, it's time to change the tune and dance to a more inclusive beat. After all, doing the same old two-step to the left and two steps to the right gets tedious. 

Reykjavík, Iceland, October 11th 2023


Join me in shaping a transformative guide that breaks free from the constraints of gender.   

This summer, I've poured my heart and soul into my upcoming book, 'Beyond Gender: The New Rules of Leadership.'

This isn't just a book; it's a guided holistic journey into a future where we see each other for who we genuinely are, liberated from the shackles of gender assumptions. Much like my previous books, 'Branding Your X-factor' and 'The Story of Boxes,' 'Beyond Gender' seeks to empower individuals by uncovering our unique superpowers and understanding the consequences of separating ourselves from labels and boxes.

To bring this vision to life, I need your support. Your donations will directly contribute to the publishing, marketing, and distribution of 'Beyond Gender.' By donating, you're not just supporting a book; you're supporting a movement to revolutionise leadership and empower individuals to break free from the limitations society imposes.

As a token of our gratitude, donors will receive exclusive benefits, such as early access to the book, signed copies, and other surprises.  

Your support will not only help publish a book; it will help ignite a global conversation and inspire change.

Let's embark on this transformative journey together. Join me in rewriting the rules of leadership.  

Together, we can create a world where authenticity knows no bounds and everyone can lead without constraints. 

Will you be a part of this change?