Posts tagged Gender Roles
The 3rd Watch: The "Job" No One Interviewed You For, But You Got Hired Anyway!

Are you stuck in the never-ending cycle of the 3rd Watch? This invisible job role—chock-full of domestic tasks and societal expectations—isn't just for women; it has a 'Special Edition' designed for men, too!

Let's discuss the need to hit 'unsubscribe' on these outdated roles and how it's time to redefine your identity. Cheers to letting go of unpaid overtime in the family business!

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Iceland's 2023 Women's Strike: A Retro Replay or Quantum Leap?

iceland's 2023 Women's Strike: A Dance Between Tradition and Evolution

Ah, 1975 – a time of disco beats and trailblazing feats! Remember when 90% of Icelandic women chose to sit out for the day, not just for a breather but to make a roaring statement? Fast forward to 2023, and we're amidst quantum computers, equal parental leaves, and... wait for it... another women's strike. But why, in a nation globally recognized for gender equality, are we seeing a replay of history? Dive into the nuances, humour, and paradoxes of a society leading in gender equality yet seemingly stuck in a loop. Explore the broader question: Is it time to shift our focus from gender boxes to a collective, inclusive movement for all humanity? It's time to ditch the old playlist and groove to a new, inclusive anthem. 🎵🕺💃🇮🇸

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